Daily routine

Every day is different at kindy, but following is a sample of our programs for Group One and Group Two:

Group One

8.00am – 2.00pm (Mon, Tue, Wed)

  1. Arrival, tabletop activities and welcome circle
  2. Outdoor play and morning tea
  3. Tidy up and transition to upstairs
  4. Music
  5. Indoor planning and games
  6. Language/story session
  7. Lunch
  8. Quiet time/rest
  9. Reflection puzzles
  10. Home time

Group Two

8.00am – 3.30pm (Thurs, Fri)

  1. Arrival, tabletop activities and welcome circle
  2. Language and literacy session
  3. Outdoor play
  4. Tidy up and transition to upstairs for morning tea
  5. Indoor planning and games
  6. Music
  7. Lunch
  8. Rest
  9. Drawing, manipulatives and puzzles
  10. Afternoon tea
  11. Quiet play
  12. Home Time

Both programs are supported by after hours care on premises, subject to availability.